The GAHRA Youth Committee invites you to bring your youth to this year’s GAHRA TAKEOVER YOUTH CONFERENCE! The conference will be held July 10-12, 2023, at Gordon State College, Barnesville, GA. Registration for the conference will be $250 per person. This fee includes conference activities, lodging, t-shirt, and meals (except Monday, arrival day).
The purpose of the conference is to provide opportunities to enhance leadership skills and personal development of public housing youth. During the conference, professionals in their field of expertise present information to students. The conference is designed to allow young people the oppurtunity to explore lifelike situations and their consequences without real life permanency. We are planning a conference that will provide excellent leadership training for our youth (ages 13-18), as well as encourage them to develop strategies for a successful future. Complete the registration and payment by June 27, 2023, so that we may finalize our plans. Registration received after June 27 will be returned. There will be no on-site registration.
You must bring the signed code of conduct, hold harmless waiver, and photography/video authorization forms for each student to the conference. Note the packing list for dormatory housing is listed in with the conference information on the website.
We look forward to the participation of your youth and adult chaperones at this conference. If you have any questions or suggestions, contact Corey Bivens (404) 373-2949/ cyb@decaturha.org ext. 2 or Tonia Brown at (706) 647-6514 / toniabrown@thomastonhousing.org
Click the link to register https://www.gahra.org/2023-youth-leadership/
Corey Bivens, Chair
Tonia Brown, Co-Chair